hard paint
o ninho | das nest
me destrói
night stage © avante films, vulcana cinema
hard paint
hard paint
me destrói

filipe matzembacher & marcio reolon

      directors & scriptwriters


english, german, spanish, portuguese




jochen doell | phone +49 (0)30 - 76 79 89 81 | jd@lido-agency.com



berlinale - berlin iff 2018 mit hard paint (tinta bruta) - teddy award best feature film


berlinale - berlin iff 2018 mit hard paint (tinta bruta) - art cinema award - best film panorama section


guadalajara iff 2018 premio maguey for best film mit hard paint (tinta bruta)


wicked queer: boston lgbt ff 2018 mit hard paint (tinta bruta) - best narrative film


lovers ff 2018 ottavio mai award mit hard paint (tinta bruta) - best feature film


lovers ff 2018: young jury award mit hard paint (tinta bruta) - best feature film


outfest los angeles 2018 mit hard paint (tinta bruta) - best narrative narrative


rio de janeiro iff 2018 mit hard paint (tinta bruta) - best feature film


rio de janeiro iff 2018 mit hard paint (tinta bruta) - best script


chéries-chéris ff 2018 mit hard paint (tinta bruta) - jury award


qcinema iff 2018 rainbowqc special jury prize mit hard paint (tinta bruta)


merlinka international queer ff 2018 hard paint (tinta bruta) - best feature film


ljubljana lgbt ff 2018 jury award mit hard paint (tinta bruta) - best film


centro cultural international oscar niemeyer lgbtiq ff 2019 mit hard paint (tinta bruta) - jury prize


for rainbow iff 2018 mit hard paint (tinta bruta) - best script


for rainbow iff 2018 mit hard paint (tinta bruta) - best cinematography


for rainbow iff 2018 mit hard paint (tinta bruta) - best editing


for rainbow iff 2018 mit hard paint (tinta bruta) - best sound design


sao paulo association of art critics award mit hard paint (tinta bruta) - best cinematography


nashville film festival 2017 grand jury prize mit the nest (o ninho) - episodic competition


rio de janeiro iff 2015 mit seashore (beira-mar) - best film novos rumos section


rio de janeiro iff 2015 mit seashore (beira-mar) - jury award felix prize


for raindbow iff 2015 mit seashore (beira-mar) - best film


for raindbow iff 2015 mit seashore (beira-mar) - best direction


for raindbow iff 2015 mit seashore (beira-mar) - best cinematography


2024 - 2025

night stage (ato noturno)

script & direction


production: avante filmes & vulcana cinema


me destrói

script & direction

music video

production: avante filmes & clava


hard paint (tinta bruta)

script, direction & production

feature film

production: avante filmes & besouro filmes


the last day before zanzibar (o último dia antes de zanzibar)

script & direction

short film

production: avante filmes


the nest (o ninho)

script & direction

tv series

production: avante filmes & besouro filmes


seashore (beira-mar)

script, direction & production

feature film

production: avante filmes